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DX0NES Scarborough Reef

Gil Gilbert Lappay, 4F2KWT is planning to be active as DX0NES from Bajo de Masinloc, Scarborough Reef, IOTA AS - 116, in 2024.
More information will be available later.
DXCC Country - Scarborough Reef.

Scarborough Reef

It is a disputed territory claimed by the Republic of the Philippines under the 1734 Velarde map, while the People's Republic of China and the Republic of China (Taiwan) claim it through the internationally recognized invalid nine-dash line (originally an eleven-dash line that included waters in the Gulf of Tonkin). The status of the shoal is often discussed in relation to other territorial disputes in the South China Sea, such as the Spratly Islands disputes and the Scarborough standoff in 2012. It was administered by the Philippines as part of its Zambales province until 2012, when it was initiated by China through the use of warships against fishing boats.

In 2013, the Philippines filed an exclusively international lawsuit against China in a UN-backed court in The Hague, Netherlands. In 2016, the court declared that China's so-called nine-dashed-line claim over the entire South China Sea was invalid, while upholding the Philippines' sovereign rights in the area. China rejected the UN-backed international court ruling by sending more warships to Scarborough Shoal and the Spratly Islands, while a host of countries supported the Tribunal's decision, including Australia, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Hungary, Ireland, India, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Myanmar, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom, the United States, as well as applicants for territories such as Malaysia, Vietnam and the Philippines.

The shallow water was named by Captain Philip D'Auvergne, whose East India Company East Indiaman Scarborough ran aground on one of the rocks on September 12, 1784, before sailing to China, although the Spanish name was already recorded in the 1734 map of Velarde Spain Philippines.

Planned operating freqs:

DX0NES Where is Scarborough Reef located. Map.

DX0NES Scarborough Reef. Sunrise 03-10-2025 at 22:18 GMT sunset at 10:19 GMT