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DX0NE Spratly Islands

4F2KWT will be active as DX0NE from Spratly Islands, IOTA AS - 051, 30 April - 9 May 2023.
He will operate on 160 - 6m, using 100 watts.
QTH - Kalayaan Island.

Previous info:
DX0NE Team planning activity from Spratly Islands, IOTA AS - 051, 1 August - 31 December 2022.
Team - DU1XX (AE6DG), Michael; DU3JA, Jong; 4F1OZ, Ed; and 4F2KWT, Gil.
They will operate on 160 - 6m, CW, SSB, FT8.
QSL via 4F2KWT, LOTW, ClubLog OQRS.

DX0NE Spratly Islands News 30 April 2023 Part 2

Gil, DX0NE had to go QRT at 1500Z as the power was shut off. He expects to be QRV again around 0000Z.

DX0NE Spratly Islands News 30 April 2023

Gil, 4F2KWT start his DX0NE activity from Spratly Islands today.

DX0NE Spratly Islands News 2 March 2023

We have received today confirmation of our license renewal which spans from March 1 to June 30, 2023.

More info ASAP!

DX0NE Spratly Islands News 23 February 2023

I have renewed the license and we are in talks with a possible transportation provider. Will give an update when this becomes more solid.
73s Gil, 4F2KWT DX0NE.

DX0NE Spratly Islands News 24 November 2022

We regret to inform the dx community that our trip has been postponed due to safety issues. we hope to recover in the first 6 months of 2023. 73’s DX0NE team

DX0NE. Where are Spratly Islands located. Map.

DX0NE Spratly Islands. Sunrise 03-12-2025 at 22:24 GMT sunset at 10:28 GMT