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J79XBI Dominica Island

Seth, SM0XBI will be active from Dominica Island (IOTA NA-101) until 27 March 2017 as J79XBI.
He will operate on HF Bands SSB.
QSL via home call, LOTW.

Dominica the youngest island of Lesser Antilles

Situated inside Lesser Antilles part of popular Caribbean Sea Dominica is one of the most noted and respected island nations of the region. The information presented by experts suggests that size of this region is 290 sq mi and with an elevation of approximately 4747 ft Morne Diablotins holds the status of being highest spot of the country. The surveys conducted in year 2014 showed that a total of 72301 individuals live in this part of world and Roseau enjoys the status of being the capital of Dominica. The country obtained independence in 1978, but prior to this land was colonized by French and currently it is famous around the globe because of it natural beauty and charm. Another interesting point to mention here is that Dominica is noted for being the youngest island of the region and still geothermal volcanic activities are forming it. The island is famous for containing many rare collections of animals, birds and plants also its rainforests are very popular. There are 365 rivers present inside this island and Sisserou Parrot can only be seen upon the island under discussion and holds the status of being national bird also it is present upon national flag of the country. In addition, to this important point to mention here is that economy of this region is strongly dependent upon agriculture and tourism.


Sisserou also known as Imperial Amazon is a famous type of parrot that can only be found upon island of Dominica. It is a pretty and interesting bird, which is 48 centimeter in length and weight of males is 900 grams and females weigh 650 grams. However, it should be noted here that imperial Amazon is facing many threats and currently only 250 to 350 birds are present in this region and one important reason behind this development is hurricanes. Being national bird of Dominica Imperial Amazon enjoys a very strong reputation and is loved by all.


Dominica is one of the Latin words meaning Sunday. Christopher Columbus found this island on Sunday so he named it accordingly. Original population associated with this island consisted of Kalinago. As a result of colonization of Europeans this islet attained multi ethnic capacity and this also had inclusion of many salves from Africa. One of the Creole of Antillean is used by people here and it has taken influences from French and Carib.

Geographical aspects

Rainforests are covering this region on large scale and also it is noted for containing second largest hot spring of the world. Numerous rivers, springs and waterfalls are found in this region. The northeastern region of this country is noted for containing sandy beaches. Experts suggest that different species of animals and plants, which are considered extinct upon neighboring islands can be found here. We have already discussed volcanic nature of this region and this is one of those qualities, which are responsible for attracting a good number of scuba drivers. Because of its highly diverse flora and fauna Dominica is being protected by a network of natural parks. Initially protection was allotted to this region by absolute mountains and this forced Europeans to construct ports also settlements of agriculture upon different islands. A great collection of larger tropical forests is present here and one of the World Heritage Sites of UNESCO is found here. We have already mentioned above that this region is exposed towards Hurricanes and in year 1979 this region became a victim of Hurricane David and this resulted in great damage. Similarly in year 2007 the region was struck by Hurricane Dean, which also brought small scale damage.

Demographic detail

In majority individuals having descent of Africa are found living here. Increasing mixed populace can be associated with this region also East Indians settlements can be associated with the region. In addition, to this Lebanese, Asians and Syrians can be found here also information collected in 2014 suggested that 3000 plus Caribs remain in this region. Coming towards growth rate of population it is considered low and main reason is emigration of individuals towards foreign destinations.

English enjoys the status of being official language and is being used by majority as natives can understand it. In addition, to this French based Antillean Creole is also used by many here because of the fact that history of this island is highly influenced by French and their occupations. Individuals belonging to old generation use French Creole, but younger generations don’t prefer to use it Keeping this development in consideration efforts are being made for the promotion of French Creole because of the fact that it is an important component of the history and values of this region. From the above mentioned discussion it is clear now that Dominica has a collection of languages and because of this reason it is considered as a part of La Francophonie as well as Common Wealth of Nations. Coming towards religious beliefs of people who live here it can be mentioned that 80 percent of population here is regarded as Roman Catholic, but for the past few years establishment of a number of Protestant churches has taken place as well. In addition, to this Muslims in smaller number are also found here as well. People live with mutual cooperation and harmony here and you are not going to find any major disputes between natives.

The capital

Roseau is the capital of Dominica also it is one of the largest cities of the region and estimates show that a total of 16,582 individuals live here. Surrounded by Caribbean Sea it is one of the smaller urban settlements and has its own significance and value. Important financial centers and buildings are present in Roseau because of the fact that it’s the capital of the region. The foreign trade sector of Dominica is heavily dependent upon Roseau and some prominent exports of the region are being mentioned below

  • Banana
  • Bay Oil
  • Vegetables
  • Cocoa
  • Oranges
  • Grapefruit

People are hardworking and live simpler lives here.

J79XBI. Where is Dominica Island located. Map.

J79XBI Dominica Island. Sunrise 03-14-2025 at 10:12 GMT sunset at 22:16 GMT