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CQ WW CC Secret

Turning back to the CQ WW DX CW 2009 Observations.

The last months W3ZZ has posted few messages but the questions about the time the inspectors spent on the observed stations have been ignored.

Obviously the CQ WW CC has something to conceal.

Most of the W3ZZ postings concern the financial part of the inspection.

Eugene has cleared that the rent-a-car charges were shown in local currency so they should be devided by 2, etc.

From my point of view his explanations did not make the point clearer. K3EST's final comments are expected but Bob is remaining silent. CQWWCC keeps its approach.

The main claimed goal of the Observer program was that the inspector presence would guarantee that the contender comforms the rules, but it the CQWWCC idea was totally different - that the observer should visit the inspected station time to time just to take an operator aback.

In reality the observers visited the inspected stations in the breaks between enjoying the bright sunshine and the warm sea.

So the CQWWCC has not even proposed visitations to make the participants to conform the rules but provoked them to rules violations. At least they were hoping for that. It is hard to imagine things like this in case of WRTC.

The goal was to provoke the conteders to violate the rules and to catch them on the rules violation. As they did not catch anyone it should be concluded that the mission has failed.

Here's the document W3ZZ adduced on his charges

73 Al 4L5A