CT9/R9DX Madeira Island 2019-09-27 12:12:20 R9DX will be active from Madeira Island in CQ WW DX CW Contest 23 - 24 November 2013 as CT9/R9DX. Views7878 Comments0 More...
J87GU Union Island 2020-07-17 12:53:30 DL7VGO will be active from Union Island 7 - 27 November 2013 as J87GU. Views6037 Comments0 More...
ZP8T Paraguay 2019-09-23 15:55:11 K2DER will be active from Paraguay in CQ WW SSB 26 - 27 October 2013 as ZP8T. Views4861 Comments0 More...
V3A Belize CQ WW DX SSB Contest 2012 2020-09-18 12:03:06 V31MA will be active from Belize in CQ WW DX SSB Contest 26-27 October 2013 as V3A Views6283 Comments0 More...
YN2AA Nicaragua 2013 2019-10-07 14:19:37 I will be operating again as YN2AA for CQWW SSB this year (2013). Views5549 Comments0 More...
TC2C Turkey 2013 2019-09-29 17:15:34 DL2JRM will be active from Turkey in WAE DC CW Contest 10 - 11 August 2013 as TC2C. Views6217 Comments0 More...
V49J V4/K5WA Saint Kitts Island 2023-08-09 20:05:25 K5WA will be active from Saint Kitts Island (IOTA NA-104) 20 - 27 November 2013 as V4/K5WA. Views5037 Comments0 More...
5Z4MR Kenya 2022-11-25 18:58:10 5Z4MR will be active from Kenya in IARU HF World Championship 13 - 14 July 2013. Views5432 Comments0 More...
A71AM Qatar 2019-10-05 22:07:00 A71AM, A71BX, A71CO, A71CV, A71EL and RA9CKQ will be active from Qatar in CQ WPX SSB Contest 30 - 31 March 2013 as A71AM. Views8812 Comments1 100% More...
JW1U JW4KQ JW9OI Svalbard Islands 2022-05-16 07:40:24 LA1U, LA4KQ, LA9OI will be active from Svalbard Islands as JW1U, JW4KQ, JW9OI. Views10059 Comments0 More...
Cuba T46A WW SSB 2012 2023-03-25 20:52:59 CO6LP, CO6LC, CO6LE, CO6YAC, CO6CAC, CO6HLP, CO7PH, CM8AKD, CO6EC will be active from Cuba in CQ WW DX SSB Contest 27 - 28 October 2012 as T46A. Views5621 Comments0 More...
8P9NX 8P0P Barbados 2023-03-11 20:12:36 W0SA will be active from Barbados starting 23 October 2012 as 8P9NX and 8P0P. Views7283 Comments0 More...
CT8/ZS4TX Sao Miguel Island CR2X 2020-10-21 21:26:18 ZS4TX will be active Sao Miguel Island, Azores Islands until 3 October 2012 as CT8/ZS4TX. Views6938 Comments0 More...
TF2RR Iceland 2019-10-13 17:35:27 TF3AM, TF3AO, TF3PPN will be active from Iceland in CQ WW RTTY Contest 29 - 30 September 2012 as TF2RR. Views4673 Comments0 More...
Nicaragua YN2AA 2012 2019-10-07 14:20:17 N6GQ will be active from Nicaragua 23 - 29 October 2012 as YN2AA. Views5264 Comments1 100% More...