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C5WP Gambia

Pedro, ON7WP will be again active as C5WP, from Gambia, 2 - 13 April 2018.
He will operate on HF Bands mainly FT8
QTH Locator - IK23jr
QSL via home call direct only.
Ads for direct QSL:

Gambia. C5WP QTH.

C5WP Gambia News 24 March 2016

I am about to leave for The Gambia on Monday, if the Brussels airport will be open again, unsure for now, but maybe departing from another airport, we'll see.

I will stay the first week from now Tuesday March 29th onwards till Sunday April 2nd in Bundung village where I will focus on 40m DX using my two new delta loops that perform exquisitely well, apart from daytime operation with my 5 band spider beam focusing on 15-12-10 meter in particular.

Please also look nighttime in the 80 meter DX window for my little signal from my Butternut(s) crappy HF2V vertical. (never buy this antenna, a total disaster from the mechanical point of view...). I can hear you guys all fine with zero QRM but as I am only powered by solar energy there is no room for an amplifier... So please LISTEN !!

This time I will also activate the Gambia on 60 meter on Channel 3 5357,0 kHz USB running 100 W into a dipole. Not sure if this will work from my savannah QTH the first week but we will try. Delta loop would be better but my palm tree is still too small :-)
The second week of my stay from April 3rd till Friday 8th this antenna will be beach mounted next to the ocean, my best amplifier from my hotel in the Kotu area. With free view to the US this should give a good signal.

QSL only direct after receiving 3 Euros via paypal on the website. Put your QSO details and address in the paypal text field and you get your full color C5WP card. I will no longer send QSL to people only including 2 dollar as this is no longer enough for worldwide postage from here ! 4 dollar is the rate if you want to send the cash via a letter with your QSL. I get very bad exchange rates on single dollar bills unfortunately, so best use paypal in Euro.

Remember I am doing charity work there and the 1 euro excess gain on each card is used to buy Shortwave Solar powered radios for the people in the village. This time I will also install a solar powered FM broadcast system with a Raspberry Pi music Jukebox (also sponsored by the QSL revenues) as there is no local FM radio reception at all.

Pedro M.J. Wyns - C5WP/ON7WP

Video Gambia

C5WP. Where is Gambia located. Map.

C5WP Gambia. Sunrise 02-10-2025 at 07:24 GMT sunset at 19:06 GMT