DX Ham Radio Amateur Radio Articles Page 16
TU5EX Melody for an Oscar
2016-05-17 19:14:42
The Life of a man is made up of a series of dreams which write our history, as well as our children, who then start to write their own.
Video Maestro Maria Island TK0INT
2018-02-11 11:10:40
Video Maestro Maria Island (IOTA EU-100) TK0INT
9M0L DX Pedition Spratly Islands Video
2018-01-28 10:59:23
9M0L DX Pedition Spratly Islands 2012 Video.
Video A35UD Tongatapu Island
2017-07-14 00:23:00
Video of single man DX Pedition to Kingdom of Tonga, Tongatapu Island, (IOTA OC-049), A35UD.