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DX Ham Radio Amateur Radio Articles Page 14

Visit with Duarte CT3HF Madeira Island

2017-05-19 14:41:34
DX-ing is about contacting people who live in distant places. The more exotic place one can reach by radio waves, the more exciting it is.
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FT4TA Tromelin 2014 Article

2019-07-28 23:35:28
"This project actually started in February 2013, under the scorching heat of Uganda. I was in Entebbe involved with the 5X8C DXpedition alongside the other F6KOP operators. A long series of unanswered calls got suddenly interrupted by the ringing of my phone.
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The All-Ham Family in Sri Lanka 4S6ARW 4S6WAS 4S6YRW

2017-05-23 18:46:46
It is a true joy to see new enthusiasts of Amateur Radio, the only hobby that is both educative for the individual and beneficial for the society, global and non-profit, technically advanced and enhancing human cooperation, egalitarian and at the same time select.
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YASME Excellence Award 2014

2016-07-03 00:19:16
The Yasme Excellence Award is presented to individuals who, through their own service, creativity, effort and dedication, have made a significant contribution to amateur radio. The contribution may be in recognition of technical, operating or organizational achievement, as all three are necessary for amateur radio to grow and prosper.
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Lets Meet Nelson, 4S7NE Sri Lanka

2017-05-23 18:48:40
While visiting Sri Lanka in December 2014, I met three generations of local Amateur Radio operators. Nelson, 4S7NE, represents the old-school approach to our hobby.
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A Visit with Kamal, 4S7AB in Sri Lanka

2017-05-23 18:49:05
Kamal, 4S7AB, is probably the most technically advanced Amateur Radio operator in Sri Lanka. He has also the best antenna farm and a very modern and well-equipped radio shack.
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JH1AJT SV2ASP/A Mount Athos

2019-08-04 14:29:36
Mount Athos update: SV1DPI, Kostas, says, "We tried hard to repair the antenna. We sent a new controller to Monk Apollo and he changed it.
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HA7RY Hungary

2017-05-23 18:12:42
There are many illustrated reports from DXpeditions, but rarely can we see a DXpeditioneer at home. I visited Tamas, HA7RY in his home near Budapest in Hungary.
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Pulu D44AC Mindelo Cabo Verde

2017-05-23 18:51:59
I have known Pulu, D44AC for fifteen years now. It was a coincidence that when I decided to visit the home country of the barefoot singer Cesaria Evora, who toured Europe at the end of the 90s
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D44TWQ Boa Vista Island Story

2019-09-21 22:41:05
I operated from the island of Boa Vista in Cape Verde for just three days whilst on holiday there in November 2013.
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D44CF Mindelo 2014

2017-05-23 18:54:03
This is not a story about contesting. I do like contests, and in my opinion every Amateur Radio operator should participate in a contest at least a few times in his/her lifetime.
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9L1A Sierra Leone News Pictures

2017-05-23 18:55:28
Just to let you know that I am finalizing my tour in Sierra Leone, will be returning on 1st June, so another month.
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The longest message ever sent via Morse Code

2016-06-06 22:19:12
In 1864, as Abraham Lincoln fought for re-election during the Civil War, he was eager to admit Nevada to the Union because of its pro-Unionist and largely Republican sympathies.
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423 articles found