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Amateur Radio Ham Radio Announcements Page 10

Burkina Faso 2013

2016-04-30 13:32:22
We are pleased to announce the next DXpedition by "Italian Dxpedition Team" will be in Burkina Faso, 15 days all bands all modes approximately between February and March 2013.
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PT0S St. Peter and St.Paul Rocks AA7JV

2016-05-26 22:36:01
The PT0S DXpedition is scheduled to sail for St. Peter and St. Paul Rocks the evening of Nov 05 (maybe early Nov 06 because of weather).
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Uganda DX Pedition

2017-02-05 08:51:30
After many dxpeditions in the past (5V7C, 5H1C, XT2C, J5C, TK7C, TS7C, TM7CC, IS0R, TJ9PF) and the successful PJ4C in 2012, the F6KOP team is happy to announce his next one in Uganda for February 2013.
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YBDXC Indonesia Award

2016-07-03 02:49:45
To commemorate one year anniversary of YB Land DX Club, a special short term certificate of merit will be issued for contacting YBDXC members as well as other amateurs from YB land between September 13 and October 31, 2012.
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PJ4W Bonaire Island 2012

2019-09-26 23:01:01
The Curacao Radio Amateur Club VERONA is planning an operation using the Antennas of Radio Nederland Wereldomroep Bonaire Shortwave repeater.
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Azores Islands

2016-07-01 15:13:33
It is often said that DXers only work DX. More recently, we have seen a healthy shift toward assisting the society they visit by helping locals become stronger in Amateur Radio.
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Belgium ON44CLM

2016-07-01 14:28:29
Special event station from Belgium ON44CLM qrv from 16/10/2012 until 15/11/2012.
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XP2I Kanderlussuaq Greenland

2019-11-04 20:10:11
OZ1BII will be active as XP2I from Kangerlussuaq, Greenland September 13th until september 17th 2012 Participating the Scandinavian Activity Contest CW 15/16 september.
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IM0/I0PNM San Pietro Island

2017-06-26 20:10:50
I will be active as IM0/I0PNM from S.Pietro Island IOTA EU-165 from August 10 to September 03 2012.
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2016-07-09 09:16:04
This year URE (Spanish Radio Amateur Union) will be active during the IARU HF Contest 2012 July 14-15. The SPAIN HQ Station TEAM will be operating SSB and CW all time using the official callsings: - EF1HQ (20M, 80M) - EF2HQ (40M, 160M) - EF5HQ (15M) - EF7HQ (10M) URE´S HQ STATION will on air a SPECIAL AWARD in IARU Contest 2012
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North Korea P5

2016-05-21 12:17:28
During the past 6 years, I have had more than 50 cordial telephone conversations with D.P.R.K. personnel seeking official permission to operate from P5.
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PT0S St.Peter and St.Paul Rocks Announcement

2019-08-22 20:57:47
The Araucaria DX Group, in conjunction with the TX3A Team, is pleased to announce a DXpedition to St. Peter and St. Paul Rocks, PY0S, under the call sign PT0S.
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2016-05-31 23:26:15
Kristina Cruises Ltd with Radio Arcala, OH8X are in the process of testing whether a permanent amateur radio station will suit the maritime environment and serve DXers in their leisure time, whether cruising in the Mediterranean or off West Africa or just doing island-hopping in the Caribbean.
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264 articles found