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9N7EI Nepal

David, EI9FBB inform, that members of EI DX Group will be active from Nepal 8 - 20 March 2017 as 9N7EI.
They will operate on 80 - 10m all modes.
QSL via M0OXO direct, OQRS.
Ads for direct QSL:
Charles Wilmott, 60 Church Hill, Royston, Barnsley, South Yorkshire. S71 4NG, England.
QTH - 30km outside of Kathmandu.
WAZ Zone - CQ 22.
ITU Zone - 42.
QTH Locator - NL27so.

Nepal. 9N7EI QSL.

9N7EI News 16 March 2017

Team reached 20000 QSOs with 125 DXCC Countries.

9N7EI News 13 March 2017

Dear YLs and OMs,

9N7EI will be on TB tonight.
The frequency is not yet known but if
received it will be passed on. If the activity is good enough they may be
on more nights.

73 Doug EI2CN

9N7EI Nepal News 12 March 2017

March 11th, 2017 – 24 hours into operations now and everything/everyone is finding their groove! All stations are QRV. We’ve sorted a lot of our local noise sources and now have all 4 amplifiers on separate circuits. There’s still the occasional power outage but this is normal for Nepal. Thankfully, the lightening storms seem to have passed for now. WX here is very cold, and lots of rain. Seems like we left the good weather behind in EI.

We are getting good signal reports and have already worked our DXCC from Nepal!

Earlier today we were visited by 4 members from the SK3BG radio club…SA3LUL, SA3TOA, SA3MAJ & SA3JIF….Great to meet you Guys and best wishes for your project in Nepal.

1st log upload will be sent to Charles later today. We thank you all for your kind words of support.

9N7EI News 21 February 2017

In just 2 weeks from now, 12 members from the EI DX Group will begin their travels to Nepal for their 10 day operation from the hills high above Kathmandu. The 9N7EI team report that they have located a different QTH which has truly spectacular views in all directions. Sited at over 6,000' above sea level, "we now have the clear path we were looking for towards NA/EU."

The team are delighted to announce that their requested 9N7 'Echo India'callsign is confirmed and our licenses have now been issued.

The packing of over half a ton of equipment has already begun with final plans being well underway.

vy 73 de Dave EI9FBB

Nepal. EIDX Group DX Pedition 9N7EI Logo.

Mount Everest, Nepal. Author - Rolf Sigmund.

Nepal. Author - Jeremy.

9N7EI. Where is Nepal located. Map.

9N7EI Nepal. Sunrise 03-03-2025 at 00:44 GMT sunset at 12:25 GMT