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9G5X Ghana

Radio Amateurs members of Six G Team will be active from Ghana 7 - 21 March 2017 as 9G5X.
They will operate on 160 - 10m CW, SSB, RTTY
Team - G3XAQ, G3VMW, G4BWP, 5B4AGN, M0PCB, G6MC.
Ads for direct QSL:
Charles Wilmott, 60 Church Hill, Royston, Barnsley, South Yorkshire, S71 4NG, England.
WAZ Zone - CQ 35.
ITU Zone - 46.
QTH Locator - IJ95vu.

9G5X Ghana News 11 March 2017

We now have all the antennas rigged at 9G5X and have tested the 160m Inverted L (with about 75ft vertical) last night quite successfully. The 80m 1/4 wave vertical works really well and it was great to work many Gs last night on 80m. Our beverages are shorter than we would like, but do help on 160m with the high QRN levels.

This weekend is the Commonwealth Contest and Iain M0PCB is setting up now to operate in the contest. The rest of us will be on the WARC bands and will try 12m and 17m as much as possible on CW and SSB, with more 30m operation later today.

We have some big problems with amplifiers tripping out, which looks to be down to very poor earthing on our incoming mains supply, which is unbalanced and causing us difficulty. We are still investigating and hope to find a cure.

Latest logs were uploaded by Charles M0OXO this morning and we will update again tomorrow.

We will be back to normal operation after the Commonwealth Contest finishes. Do please call Iain using the 9G5X callsign in the contest, even if you have worked us already on that band. He needs the points!

Steve G3VMW for the 9G5X crew

9G5X. Ghana 2017.

Fufulsu, Ghana. Author - zug55.

Ghana. Author - Gavin Edmondstone.

Larabanga mosque, Mole, Ghana. Author - Stig Nygaard.​

9G5X. Where is Ghana located. Map.

9G5X Ghana. Sunrise 03-12-2025 at 06:11 GMT sunset at 18:16 GMT