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7Q7RU Malawi

7Q7RU Team will be active from Malawi, 7 - 18 November 2020.
Team - R7AL, RA1ZZ, RZ3K, EW7L (YL), R9LR
They will operate on All HF Bands, CW, SSB, FT8 with focus on 160 and 80m and also QO-100 satellite.
They planning to operate on 60m Band also.
QSL via R7AL, LOTW, ClubLog OQRS.
Pilot - Victor, UA3AKO.
Pilot for North America - Ed, NT2X.
Ads for direct QSL:
Vasily Pinchuk, ul.Krestianskaya, 26/36, Anapa, 353445, Russia.
QTH - Nr Embangweni.
QTH Locator - KH67ru.

7Q7RU Malawi News 19 November 2020

18 November team start activity on 160m but still have problem with RX antennas.

7Q7RU Malawi News 17 November 2020

19960 QSOs uploaded to ClubLog.
476 satellite QSOs.

7Q7RU Malawi News 16 November 2020

Team still have problem with noise on 160, 80m.
They try several RX antennas with out of success and they decide to setup new QTH for 160m Band.
They buy new generator for it and hopefully will be QRV from new QTH coming Days on Low Bands.

7Q7RU Malawi News QRV

Information received from 7Q7RU that they already on site and will start their activity now.

7Q7RU Malawi Team in Embangweni, Malawi

7Q7RU Malawi News 10 November 2020 14.00 UTC

7Q7RU Malawi RA1ZZ and 7Q7JN.

7Q7RU Team landed in Malawi.
We expect they will start activity today.

7Q7RU Malawi News 10 November 2020

First team member RA1ZZ is in Malawi already and others expected to be there today.
7Q7RU will start activity today.

7Q7RM Malawi News 8 November 2020 17.00 UTC

All Team members receive visas.

7Q7RU Malawi News 8 November 2020

2 member of the team receive visas and others expect it soon, hopefully today.
Team members booked tickets on 13 November 2020 to Malawi.
One of the team member get ticket to travel via Tanzania and expect to be in Malawi 10 November 2020 and start 7Q7RU activity.

7Q7RU Malawi News 6 November 2020

7Q7RU currently in Nairobi, Kenya trying to obtain Malawi visas.
Hopefully they will receive visas early next week.

7Q7RU Malawi News 5 November 2020

7Q7RU Team start their jorney to Malawi.

You can find also more information on -

7Q7RU. Malawi DX Pedition. Logo.

Rhinoceros, Malawi. Author - Rene.

Lake Malawi, Malawi. Author - MrLeeCP.

7Q7RU. Where is Malawi located. Map.

7Q7RU Malawi. Sunrise 03-12-2025 at 03:44 GMT sunset at 15:59 GMT