More than just DX News

7Q7MH Malawi

Explorer Scouts on the Scottish Scout "New Horizons" Expedition will carry out practical development work at the Malawi National Scout Campsite near Zomba where Malcolm, GM3TAL, will operate 7Q7MH during July 2011.
Although not a "dxpedition" as such, we shall operate on the upper HF bands (and possibly 50MHz), with ssb and cw.
This will be a month long "field day" under canvas - no towers or comfy resort style shacks and no Internet!

We are delighted to have received lots of support in kind already. Meanwhile
if anyone would like to make a contribution to help cover the expedition's
equipment expenses, please contact Malcolm at "

Thanks for your interest,

Malawi 7Q7MH

Malawi 7Q7MH Tourist Attractions