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7P8RU Lesotho

7P8RU Team will be active from Lesotho, starting 22 October 2021.
Team - R7AL, RA1ZZ, RW9JZ, OK8AU, R5EC, RU3UR.
They will operate on 160 - 6m, CW, SSB, Digital modes.
QSL via R7AL, ClubLog OQRS, LOTW.
QTH Locator - KG30si.

Previous activity:
RV9WJ will be active from Lesotho starting 6 December 2010 as 7P8RU.
He will be active 5 - 7 days on 40 - 10m.
QSL via home call.

7P8RU. Where is Lesotho located. Map.

7P8RU Lesotho. Sunrise 03-12-2025 at 04:04 GMT sunset at 16:28 GMT