DX News Ham Radio Amateur Radio News Page 6
9X2AW Rwanda
2025-01-30 08:10:47
Harold, DF2WO will be active again as 9X2AW from Rwanda, 27 January - 15 February 2025.
2025-01-29 19:24:15
FP5KE Team will be active from Saint Pierre and Miquelon Islands, IOTA NA - 032, in 2025.
OK5Z - The Moravian Contest Group
2025-01-29 07:52:19
The Moravian Contest Group is small and young, but very dynamic and bold.
Single Operator DX Pedition in West Africa
2025-01-28 12:06:35
Usually, it is not a good when your husband disagrees with your parents, but when it comes to amateur radio there is usually nothing you can do to stop them.
HD8G Galapagos Islands
2025-01-27 18:08:06
HD8G Team will be active from Galapagos Islands, IOTA SA - 004, 18 - 25 April 2025.
5H3DX Tanzania
2025-01-27 17:35:46
Chas, NK8O will be active again as 5H3DX from Tanzania, 20 February - 6 March 2025.
Contesting on All Bands From 1,8 MHz to 1,3 GHz in OL3Z Style
2025-01-25 08:54:03
While the majority of Amateur Radio operators choose only a few of the HF bands, below 30 MHz, to participate in contests, there are some broad-minded enthusiasts who go beyond this limit and have as much fun on VHF, UHF and SHF bands.
JW2T JW/LB0VG Svalbard
2025-01-25 19:22:39
JW2T Team will be active from Svalbard, IOTA EU - 026, 24 - 26 January 2025.
PJ2/NF9V Curacao Island
2025-01-24 15:40:06
Rudy, NF9V will be active as PJ2/NF9V from Curacao Island, IOTA SA-099, 11 - 18 February 2025.
FS/K9EL Saint Martin Island
2025-01-24 15:05:19
John, FS/K9EL will be active again from Saint Martin Island, IOTA NA - 105, 4 - 18 June 2025.
Break through Pile Ups
2025-01-24 14:11:29
W1DED Video. Top Contesting Secrets: Break Through Pile-Ups Like a Pro!
UA9BA 80 meter Band Spitfires Antennas
2025-01-23 20:25:41
In this article I describe few construction ideas for 80 meter spitfires and provide the MMANA files for your own evaluation.
ZD9BV Tristan da Cunha
2025-01-23 17:39:32
Andy, ZD9BV start his activity from Tristan da Cunha Island, IOTA AF - 029.