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5X3K Uganda

5X3K Team will be active from Uganda, 28 September - 8 October 2023.
Team - Petr OK1BOA, Petr OK1FCJ, David OK6DJ, Rudolf, OK2ZA.
They will operate on 160 - 10m, CW, SSB, FT8, RTTY.
QSL via OK6DJ, LOTW, ClubLog OQRS.

5X3K Uganda News 29 September 2023

5X3K Team start activity from Uganda. They active on several bands already.

5X3K Uganda News 28 September 2023

5X3K DX Pedition members on their way to Uganda.

An African gem: myths about Uganda and the prevailing reality

Frightened by myths about the bloodthirstiness of Ugandan tribes, most avid tourists prefer confinement within the walls of a half-decent hotel or relaxing in a local café. The stereotypes reigning in society about the harsh reality in the "third world" have become a parable for the inhabitants of the Eurasian continent. Many people associate a developing country with a population living below the poverty line with a British colony, although in reality the "banana republic" is moving forward, in many ways ahead of Uruguay, Congo, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Liberia and so on.

A rich history, a huge number of national parks, botanical gardens, mountain peaks, impenetrable forests, waterfalls, rivers and lakes - this is a real Klondike for the tourist, an oasis in an industrialised world occupied by factories, mills and factories.

Kidepo, Uganda. Author - Rod Waddington.

Origins of the Ugandan people

The descendants of the legendary Bachwezi people have a fascinating history that eclipses even Greek myths of gods, Scandinavian warrior sagas, and French epics of the sluggish, eternally tangled adultery of royal dynasties.

The inhabitants of Uganda are descendants of Swahili aborigines who moved into the area from the islands of Zanzibar and Pemba. Several hundred people were brought to the territory of the modern state as slaves. They mixed with the Persians and Arabs over 2,000 years ago. Their ruler was a cruel usurper who, according to legend, ordered the imprisonment of his only daughter by gouging out her eyes to prevent her from giving birth to an heir. However, the precautions taken did not help.

The Ugandan princess gave birth to a son by one of the slaves, who later became the ruler of the "coast-dwellers", known in the world as "Sahil". He went down in history under the nickname "Kabaka", which means "King" in the Aboriginal language.

Uganda. Author - Peter Gosling.

The unpalatable truth about the appearance of Ugandans

The inhabitants of the country belong to the Negroid race. They have curly hair, dark eyes, full lips, bluish skin and short stature. The short stature of their contemporaries is due to the passion of their male ancestors for miniature pygmies from neighbouring tribes.

For many years, Ugandans were considered to have the most ugly appearance in the world. The generally accepted opinion was disproved by the aboriginal Tina Kolobova, who became the vice-miss of the magazine "Maxim". Extraordinary appearance combined with her origin became the business card of the beauty, who appeared on the glossy cover in 2016.

Excursion to the country of Sahil

The name of the country in translation from the local dialect means "land of people". Despite the fact that Europeans consider them savages, the townspeople are characterised by their responsiveness and hospitality, willingly welcoming newcomers. The number of inhabitants is several times higher than in Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Switzerland and Austria.

The demographic situation is improving every year. Uganda has become a silver medallist in the unspoken competition for population growth among third world countries. This is due to social norms of morality: for Ugandans, family and continuation of the family are life priorities, in contrast to Western countries with the newly emerged subcultures of "Childfree" and the eternal search for material benefits. The population of the country exceeds 35 million people.

The symbol of Uganda is represented by the crowned crane. The beautiful bird is the personification of freedom and prosperity. On the territory of the country there are the highest African mountains and the crater of the extinct volcano, in which the deepest Lake Albertina was formed. The mountain peaks are hidden under a thick layer of real snow.

Uganda. Author - Fulvio Gusmano.

Life behind the scenes of the new Hollywood

Remarkably, a suburb of the Ugandan capital Wakaliga has become a veritable African Hollywood. The area is home to Ramon Film Prodactions, which has produced more than 20 low-budget films that, strangely enough, have found a global audience. Director, writer, producer and cinematographer in one person - Isaac Nabwana is a folk hero and is considered the founder of African cinema.

The apogee of his career is the action film Who Killed Captain Alex, which blew up the internet in 2011. Despite ridicule from the British and American press, Ugandan "Quentin Tarantino" remains active, shooting scenes against the backdrop of picturesque national parks.

The inhabitants of Uganda have their own moral values and mentality. In their society reigns a different pattern. They are free and independent, rejecting mercantilism, ambition and pride.

5X3K. Where is Uganda located. Map.

5X3K Uganda. Sunrise 03-12-2025 at 03:56 GMT sunset at 16:04 GMT