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5X2I Uganda

Pista, HA5AO will be active as 5X2I from Uganda, 24 April - 10 May 2023.
He will operate on 40 - 10m, CW, SSB, FT8, using FT710 transceiver with KPA500 amplifier and DX Commander antenna.
QSL via OQRS on ha5ao website.
QTH - Busabala.

5X2I Busabala Uganda News 25 April 2023

Pista, HA5AO start his activity as 5X2I from Busabala, Uganda.

Uganda. Author - Matteo Massacra.

Uganda. Author - Vincent van't Hof.

Snoebill, Uganda. Author - Paul Wilson.

5X2I. Where is Uganda located. Map.

5X2I Uganda. Sunrise 03-12-2025 at 03:56 GMT sunset at 16:04 GMT