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5W0DX Samoa

5W0DX Team will be active from Savai'i Island, IOTA OC - 097, Samoa, in February 2023.
Team - Pista HA5AO, George HA5UK, Paul W7IV.
They will operate on 80 - 10m, CW, SSB, RTTY, FT8 using three stations feeding vertical antennas on the salt water edge.
Logsearch and OQRS will be available on HA5AO website
DXCC Country - Samoa, 5W.
More information will be available soon.

5W0DX Samoa News 2 September 2022

5W0DX operation from Samoa in February 2023 is cancelled.

After 4 months of careful planning, receiving the 5W0DX license, booking the rooms at the Le Lagoto Resort, opening the website and announcing our planned operation, booking the flight tickets, we had to decide to cancel our DXpedition to Samoa due to unexpected, unforeseen reason.

Savaii Island, Samoa. Author - Tim Jordan.

Savaii Island, Samoa. Author - Pablo Reinsch.

Savaii Island, Samoa. Author - athenreehome.

5W0DX. Where is Savaii Island located. Map.

5W0DX Samoa. Sunrise 03-03-2025 at 17:30 GMT sunset at 05:52 GMT