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5U5R Niger

Radio Amateurs members of Tifariti Gang will be active from Niger 8 - 21 March 2017 as 5U5R.
They will operate on 160 - 6m CW, SSB, RTTY.
Team members - F9IE, F8ATS, HK6F, UT7CR, RU1WM, IN3ZNR, EA1SA, EA2RY, EA5KM, EA7AJR, EA7KW and EA5RM.
Ads for direct QSL:
Antonio Gonzalez, P.O.Box 930, E-03200 Elche, SPAIN.

5U5R News 11 March 2017

TB and 80m aerials were installed early today in Niamey. EU/AS Beverage a bit noisy, power line on that heading. Worked HL and JA after their SR.
NA Beverage looks much better, about 700 ft long.

TX 1824 lsn up. For JA 1824 losn down 2 - 4.

We are focused on 160 and 80m all night.
There are short power outages often, pse be patient.
73 Jose EA7KW 5U5R.

Niger. 5U5R DX Pedition. Logo.

Mallaleye, Niger. Author - Gustave Deghilage.

Sand storm, Niger. Author - Alfred Weidinger.

5U5R. Where is Niger located. Map.

5U5R Niger. Sunrise 03-12-2025 at 05:36 GMT sunset at 17:38 GMT