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5T1GM 5T5PA/P Arguin Island

5T1GM and 5T5PA/P will be active from Arguin Island, IOTA AF - 050, 15 - 19 October 2021.
They will operate on 40 - 10m, CW, SSB, FT8.
Home brew DX Commander 40-10m
VDA 30m
Hexbeam 20-10m
Vertical 40m with elevated radials


TS590 with Acom amplifier
SunSDR2DX with Expert 1.3K-FA
QSL information:
5T1GM via PG5M.
5T5PA/P via PA5X.

5T1GM. 5T5PA/P. Arguin Island, Mauritania. Logo.

5T1GM 5T5PA/P. Where is Arguin Island located. Map.

5T1GM 5T5PA/P Arguin Island. Sunrise 03-13-2025 at 07:14 GMT sunset at 19:15 GMT