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DX News Ham Radio Amateur Radio News Page 5

A21TX Botswana

2025-02-04 14:08:17
Bernie, ZS4TX inform that he will be active as A21TX from Botswana, 23 - 26 April 2025.
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A Visit with Kamal, 4S7AB in Sri Lanka

2025-02-04 12:09:50
Kamal, 4S7AB, is probably the most technically advanced Amateur Radio operator in Sri Lanka. He has also the best antenna farm and a very modern and well-equipped radio shack.
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RDA Award Program

2025-02-02 18:04:31
The RDA Russian Districts award program and the corresponding RDA Contest have been attracting radio amateurs in Russia and in other countries of the world for over 20 years.
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H44MS Solomon Islands

2025-02-01 14:07:31
Bernhard, DL2GAC will be active as H44MS from Honiara, Guadalcanal Island, IOTA OC - 047, 9 February - 7 May 2025.
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VP2ECV Anguilla

2025-02-01 13:36:43
Chuck, KG9N will be active as VP2ECV from Anguilla Island, IOTA NA - 022, 4 - 18 February 2025.
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Australians are lazy, or for how long you may expect activation of the islands?

2025-02-01 13:29:23
When my second trip to Kangaroo OC-139 was announced on internet in February 2014, I’ve received few messages from various countries (including Russia) with a common refrain - "Hmmm… almost everyone has got the Island confirmed for so long now, and few who hasn’t - worked with you in the first trip.
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ZW5W Santana de Fora Island

2025-01-31 20:33:37
PP5BZ will be active as ZW5W from Santana de Fora Island, IOTA SA-088, Brazil, 21 - 23 February 2025.
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C5PL Gambia

2025-01-31 18:02:20
C5PL Team will be active from Gambia, 1 - 6 February 2025.
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Jarda, OK4MM - The Pragmatic DX-man

2025-01-31 09:43:00
The call sign OK4MM appears from time to time on this DX News portal, as well as on some other DX related web pages, mostly announcing activities from islands of the IOTA programme.
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SV1GA/A Mount Athos

2025-01-30 23:41:31
While waiting for an answer from the local authorities that issued our permit, the SV1GA/A team decided to leave Mt. Athos.
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Video W3LPL History of Transoceanic Radio Communications

2025-01-30 22:56:16
Presentation covers radio technology development from the Maxwell's mathematical description of electromagnetic waves in 1860-1865, Hertz's development of a crude spark transmitter and spark receiver that proved the existence electromagnetic waves in 1886-1888
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D2ACE Angola

2025-01-30 08:31:37
Vasco, CS7ACE is currently active from Angola as D2ACE.
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9167 articles found