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3DA0AO eSwatini

Pista, HA5AO, will active as 3DA0AO from eSwatini (Swaziland), 15 September - 1 October 2019.
He will operate on 80 - 10 m in CW, RTTY, FT8
QSL via HA5AO direct.
Log search and OQRS will be available on
Station setup includes: Elecraft K3s, KPA 500, vertical antennas, with N1MM+ logging software.
Previous activity:
Pista, HA5AO will be active as 3DA0AO, from eSwatini, 16 - 28 September 2018.
He will operate on 80 - 10m CW, RTTY, FT8 and some SSB, using Elecraft K3 transceiver, KPA 500 amplifier and vertical antenna.
QSL via home call direct, OQRS.
Ads for direct QSL:
Istvan GASPAR, Rakoczi U. 85., Budapest 1196, Hungary.

3DA0AO New 26 June 2019

Pista HA5AO reports that he will arrive in Swaziland on 15th September and plans to stay till 1st October. His license for the 3DA0AO call sign was issued last year. The flight and room at Mountain Inn Resort at Mbabane is booked. His plan to start to set up antenna and station on 16th and can be expected on the air by the evening. The station set up contains the Elecraft K3S and KPA500 and feeding vertical antenna. Pista will operate on the 80-10m bands mainly on CW and FT8 on the higher bands. Pista plans to be active on 21/22 September in the All Africa DX Contest as Single Op Single Transmitter CW All Band High power entry.

After the Swaziland operation Pista HA5AO will arrive in Lesotho on 1st October and plans to stay till 19th October. He will use again the 7P8AO call sign. Flight and room at Molengoane Lodge is also booked. Due to other commitments the operation from Lesotho will take place in his free time mainly on CW and FT8 on the higher bands.

3DA0AO News 17 September 2018

Due to circumstances beyond his control Pista HA5AO will return to Hungary sooner than planned.

He will leave his equipment in the country and return at a future date. Unfortunately, he is not able to get on the air or participate in his planned humanitarian projects. Donors to his project will receive a refund.

3DA0AO News 15 September 2018

Pista HA5AO reports that his planned operation from the Kingdom of eSwatini (Swaziland) is delayed. He and his equipment are in the country but he was unable to install the antenna. While disappointed, he expects to be on the air by the end of next week (Sept 21st).

3DA0AO News 12 September 2018

3DA0AO Kingdom of eSwatini (Swaziland), by HA5AO

On Thursday Sept. 13, 2018 Pista HA5AO will leave Budapest for the Kingdom of eSwatini (Swaziland) and arrive on 14th late afternoon.
He will set up the station on Saturday Sept 15th. He plans to enter the: Africa All Mode International DX Contest, single operator, all band, high power CW only category, which is held this weekend.
Station setup: Elecraft K3s, KPA-500 power amplifier and vertical antenna. He will be active until the end of September mostly on CW, RTTY and FT8 (only Fox / Hound mode, please only use WSJT-X Version 1.9.x.
After the contest, if the Internet is available the log will be uploaded in real time to the Log Search and OQRS system at
QSL via HA5AO. Please do not send your QSL via buro, use the OQRS system for confirmation via the buro.
Pista continues his humanitarian fund raising for the orphaned and at risk children of eSwatini. He pays all expenses, travel, accommodation, food, overweight luggage fees, from personal funds.
One hundred percent of your donation is used for humanitarian purposes, food, clothing, and school supplies. Your donation will help change a child's life.
You may use the donate button at

3DA0AO News 12 July 2018

3DA0AO eSwatini by Pista HA5AO

Pista HA5AO will arrive eSwatini (Swaziland) on 14 September, late afternoon. He plans to operate during his free time between 16 - 28 September from the Mountain Inn Resort at Mbabane. He received the 3DA0AO license and an LotW certificate.
Pista will operate 80 – 10 meters using a Hustler 6 BTV vertical antenna with 17 and 12 meter add-on elements, CW, RTTY and FT8. He is bringing an Elecraft K3 with the KPA 500 amplifier. Logsearch will be available on His plans include testing a new feature of the PDXG QSL Management Platform, the uploading of QSOs in real time.
While in-country he will travel to rural areas visiting villages, schools and orphanages to deliver school supplies to orphaned children. He is interested in making a long term donation agreement to pay school fees for several orphaned children.
Pista is paying all expenses from personal funds. However he would appreciate donations through his website. Any donations received will be used only for humanitarian purposes.

Mlilwane, eSwatini. Author - Lucien Muller.

Hippopotamus, Hlane Royal National Park, eSwatini. Author - Han van Hoof.

eSwatini. Author - Gustavo Sugahara.

3DA0AO. Where is eSwatini located. Map.

3DA0AO eSwatini. Sunrise 03-10-2025 at 03:51 GMT sunset at 16:17 GMT