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3D2RRR Rotuma Island

3D2RRR Team will be active from Rotuma Island, IOTA OC - 060.
Team - 3D2SP, 3D2EZ, 3D2USU.
They will operate on HF Bands, CW, SSB, Digital modes.
QSL via ClubLog OQRS, LOTW.

3D2RRR Rotuma Island News 18 July 2022 QSL Card

3D2RRR Rotuma Island QSL Cards.

3D2RRR Rotuma Island News 10 June 2022

Let's update PayPal - clublog CHEAT LIST for non Russian ststions.

PayPal charge back after lotw received.

3 emails came from Russia with apologies. I'm happy to hear any explanations and solve the issue







3D2RRR Rotuma Island News 8 June 2022

Dx expeditioniers keep this list of callsigns with you when you go for the next trip.
They play this dirty LoTW - paypal game with charge back before. Now paypal not working anymore in Russia, but they are still able to cheat clicking on clublog as paid to try get free card and / or LoTW.
Here is magical list of '' smart operators '' so far.
I Did not pay attention to that for about 3 years. Actually I was always loughing that some operators inventions are unreal to get this done. But as soon us they start publishing ideas how to fuck Expeditions on said Enough as this is done on purpose
Black list forever

3D2RRR Rotuma Island News 6 June 2022

First log sent to clublog. 7 more to go. I will try to do it all of them today.
First LoTW already on the way but only for those who applied for qsl card via clublog.

3D2RRR Rotuma Island News 31 May 2022

Bula folks

We are planning to work FT4 normal all bands during the coming 2 days.

Very strong winds make it difficult to keep the vertical antennas in place, but we are fighting!

3D2RRR Rotuma Island News 27 May 2022

Bula folks

After some 50 hours the team reached 20k qsos already.

High wind and rain prevent making antennas for 80 and 160m.

Propagation: 10-12 meters - phenomenal, 15m - super, 20-17m - worse than above.

20m FT8 issue with laptop charger making noise and prevented hearing anything on 20m for some longer time but finally resolved. Changed the charger no more problems there.

We hope to start 40m and 6m today. 80 and 160 possibly tomorrow weather permitted.

We work FT8 using wsjtx ver.2.5 and always send RR73.

Planning to be active till June 5 depending on weather forecast for return voyage to Fiji.

3D2RRR Rotuma Island News 23 May 2022

All ok here. Little hard ride but we should be on Rotuma in 3h. It's midnight so we Will enter the harbor daylight

3D2RRR Rotuma Island News 15 May 2022


The Team is ready to set sail from Fiji to Rotuma for about a 2-week activity as 3D2RRR. We are waiting now for a suitable weather window.

3D2EZ and 3D2SP are warming up working on CW and FT8 as SO3R (single operator 3 Radios) while other team members are making progress with final preparations. The licence and permit have been issued, LoTW already received and set.

We will run 2 x CW, 1 SSB and 5 x FT8

Important note!!

We will operate WSJT-X ver. 2.5 as FOX only.

This will be an experimental FT8 activity. We will operate 2 radios on same band (ex. 14.074 and 14.080 or 18.100 and 18.095 or 7.074 and 7.056 as FOX only.

You can see multiple streams sent on both freq, same band at the same time, but you will need to operate F&H to be able to get the answer.

Other software users will need to adjust to F&H if they want to call us and get replied.

Rotuma Island. Author - DS355.

Rotuma Island. Author - Willie Schmitz.

Oinafa, Rotuma Island. Author - Rico Wilson.

3D2RRR. Where is Rotuma Island located. Map.

3D2RRR Rotuma Island. Sunrise 03-12-2025 at 18:14 GMT sunset at 06:28 GMT