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3C3W Bioko Fernando Po Island Equatorial Guinea

3C3W Amateur Radio Team will be active from Bioko (Fernando Po) Island, IOTA AF - 010, until 27 March 2018.
Team members - YL2GM, YL1ZF ex YL3AIW, YL2KL.
They will operate on HF Bands.
QSL via YL2GN, ClubLog OQRS, LOTW.
Ads for direct QSL:
Ziedonis Knope, P.O.Box 55, Balvi, LV-4501, Latvia.
DXCC Country - Equatorial Guinea 3C.

3C3W. Bioko Fernando Po Island. QSL Card.

3C3W News 5 March 2018

Flight to Annobon Island tomorrow will not happen. Next closest possible date to get to Annobon is Saturday, 10 March 2018. So team will QRV as 3C3W at least until Friday.

3C3W News

They planning to be active from Bioko Island until 6 March 2018 and after start activity as 3C0W from Annobon Island.

Sipopo, Bioko - Fernando Po Island, Equatorial Guinea. Author - Richard Roberts.

Moka, Bioko - Fernando Po Island, Equatorial Guinea. Author - Rachael DiSciullo.

Paco River, Bioko - Fernando Po Island, Equatorial Guinea. Author - Kevin.

3C3W. Where is Bioko Fernando Po Island located. Map.

3C3W Bioko Fernando Po Island Equatorial Guinea. Sunrise 03-06-2025 at 05:33 GMT sunset at 17:39 GMT