FW5JJ Wallis Island 2016-05-30 08:48:09 TK5JJ will be active from Wallis Island for two years as FW5JJ. Views25331 Comments3 100% More...
3D2AD 3D2OV 3D2FW 3D2NW Fiji 2019-10-07 15:19:49 YT1AD, WD5COV, RZ3FW, RW4NW will be active from Fiji 20 - 22 November and 29 November - 4 December 2013 as 3D2AD, 3D2OV, 3D2FW, 3D2NW. Views7040 Comments0 More...
KH8/N9YU KH8/WD5COV KH8/N7AFW American Samoa 2019-08-25 22:21:31 YT1AD, WD5COV, RZ3FW will be active from American Samoa 18 - 19 November 2013 as KH8/N9YU, KH8/WD5COV, KH8/N7AFW. Views7733 Comments3 100% More...
5W7A 5W6A 5W0OV 5W0FW 5W0NW Samoa 2019-10-10 21:31:47 YT1AD, WD5COV, RZ3FW, RW4NW will be active from Samoa 16 - 17 November 2013 as 5W7A or 5W6A, 5W0OV, 5W0FW, 5W0NW. Views6671 Comments0 More...
KH6/N9YU KH6/WD5COV KH6/N7AFW Hawaiian Islands 2016-06-21 21:29:29 YT1AD, WD5COV and RZ3FW will be active from Hawaiian Islands 13 - 15 November 2013 as KH6/N9YU, KH6/WD5COV, KH6/N7AFW. Views8077 Comments0 More...
S79MHY Praslin Island 2016-08-09 06:48:26 IZ1MHY will be active from Praslin Island (IOTA AF-024) 7 - 17 October 2013 as S79MHY. Views6197 Comments0 More...
A52YB Bhutan 2021-03-05 09:05:33 DK4YB will be active from Bhutan 5 - 20 October 2013 as A52YB. Views7212 Comments0 More...
TX5RV Raivavae Island Austral Islands 2017-05-14 13:32:25 K3EL and VE7DS will be active from Raivavae Island, IOTA OC-114, Austral Islands 30 October - 6 November 2013 as TX5RV. Views6948 Comments0 More...
ZS7V ZS7HPM Sanae Base Antarctica 2017-01-28 22:20:58 ZS7V and ZS7PHM will be active from Sanae Base, Antarctica until March 2014. Views8373 Comments1 100% More...
PJ2/K5JP PJ2/NT5V PJ2/W5BOS Curacao Island 2016-09-05 15:17:27 K5JP, NT5V, W5BOS will be active from Curacao Island 8 - 15 October 2013 as PJ2/K5JP, PJ2/NT5V, PJ2/W5BOS. Views6518 Comments1 100% More...
XV4MN Phu Quoc Island 2017-05-14 11:27:46 N0ODK will be active from Phu Quoc Island, IOTA AS-128, 24 - 29 October 2013 as XV4MN. Views7356 Comments0 More...
PJ4/G3TXF Bonaire Island 2013-09-17 10:51:54 G3TXF will be active from Bonaire Island 21-29 September 2013 as PJ4/G3TXF Views7752 Comments0 More...
P40F Aruba WW SSB 2013 2019-09-18 22:09:04 R5GA will be active from Aruba in CQ WW DX SSB Contest 26-27 October 2013 as P40F. Views5914 Comments0 More...
IS0/YL7A Sardinia Island 2016-07-12 00:07:02 YL7A will be active from Sardinia Island in CQ WW DX RTTY Contest 28 - 29 September 2013 as IS0/YL7A. Views7099 Comments0 More...
YN2AA Nicaragua 2013 2019-10-07 14:19:37 I will be operating again as YN2AA for CQWW SSB this year (2013). Views5562 Comments0 More...