9L1BTB Sierra Leone 2017-03-05 18:51:39 SP5BTB will be active from Sierra Leone 25 October - 10 November 2013 as 9L1BTB. Views5816 Comments0 More...
5X8A Uganda 2023-05-04 19:27:12 SM1TDE is currently active from Uganda as 5X8A. Views14975 Comments0 More...
VP8BTU Falkland Islands 2013-10-12 16:18:06 G1EUZ will be active from Falkland Islands 25 November 2013 - 25 May 2014 as VP8BTU Views5627 Comments0 More...
DV1/KJ6YAP Masbate Island 2013-10-12 15:29:58 KJ6YAP will be active from Masbate Island (IOTA OC-244) 28 October - 24 November 2013 as DV1/KJ6YAP Views10787 Comments1 100% More...
V3A Belize CQ WW DX SSB Contest 2012 2020-09-18 12:03:06 V31MA will be active from Belize in CQ WW DX SSB Contest 26-27 October 2013 as V3A Views6305 Comments0 More...
J34J Grenada Island 2016-07-14 10:33:06 JA1MZL, JJ1LIB, JN1RVS, JN3NFQ, JH1ROJ will be active from Grenada Island 20 - 29 November 2013. Views6436 Comments0 More...
YE5R Anambas Island 2013-10-10 08:39:23 YE5YE , YE5TA, YB4IR , YB5QZ , YB6CA , YB6ODD , YB1HK , YE6YE , YB6VK ,YB1AR , YC2WWW, YB7GRN , YG5TZ , YC5WIR , YF1AR will be active from Anambas Island (IOTA OC-108) 10-20 November 2013 as YE5R Views6855 Comments0 More...
IH9/IV3NVN IH9B Pantelleria Island 2019-05-23 21:55:13 IV3NVN will be active in October and November 2013 from Pantelleria Island as IH9/IV3NVN and IH9B. Views8017 Comments0 More...
T30NK T30TS Kiribati 2017-05-23 11:04:13 JA1FUF and JF1CCH will be active from Kiribati 28 November - 4 December 2013 as T30NK and T30TS. Views7348 Comments0 More...
YF1AR/7 YB0AI/7 Sebatik Island 2016-07-29 00:00:00 YF1AR and YB0AI will be active from Sebatik Island (IOTA OC-295) 23 - 28 October 2013 as YF1AR/7 and YB0AI/7. Views7892 Comments0 More...
VP8DNY Falkland Islands 2016-07-17 07:01:09 M1AYI will be active from Falkland Islands 20 October - 19 November 2013 as VP8DNY. Views5555 Comments0 More...
V31RL Belize 2016-08-03 09:20:19 AD7AF will be active from Belize in October 2013 as V31RL. Views5515 Comments1 100% More...
AM5ES National Day of Spain 2016-07-03 00:33:18 I will be actice as AM5ES Spec call four de National Day of Spain (Dia Hispanidad) From 11 - 12 - 13 Oct 2013. Views5686 Comments0 More...
TK/SP7VC Corsica Island 2016-07-24 17:55:09 SP7VC will be active from Corsica Island (IOTA EU-014) 22 - 28 October 2013 as TK/SP7VC. Views5966 Comments0 More...
XF1P Partida Island 2013-10-06 13:03:53 XE2HUQ , XE2HQI , XE2HWJ , XE2I will be active from Partida Island (IOTA NA-124) 9-16 November 2013 as XF1P Views5867 Comments0 More...