DX News Ham Radio Amateur Radio News Page 303
CE0Z/UA4WHX Juan Fernandez Islands
2019-08-20 23:42:40
UA4WHX is currently active from Juan Fernandez Islands as CE0Z/UA4WHX.
6W/G3TXF Senegal
2019-10-12 22:31:31
G3TXF will be active from Senegal 14 - 17 February 2014 as 6W/G3TXF.
V73DL Marshall Islands
2016-06-21 19:44:09
DJ2EH is currently active from Marshall Islands as V73DL.
NH0S/KH2 Guam Island
2019-09-30 18:28:10
JF2SKV will be active from Guam Island February 2014 as NH0S/KH2.
IOTA Sula Islands
2016-04-27 18:48:00
YB8XM, YB8VM, YC8VDT, YD8VSR, YD8VRA, YD8VRS, YC8VFB, YC0MVP will be active from Sula Islands (IOTA OC-076) as YB8XM/P, YB8VM/P, YC8VDT/P, YD8VSR/P, YD8VRA/P, YD8VRS/P, YC8VFB/P, YC0MVP/8.
TM4U Ile Saint Nicolas
2016-04-25 10:57:04
ON8AZ, ON7USB, ON7PQ, ON7KZ, ON5HC will be active from Ile Saint Nicolas, Glenan Islands (IOTA EU-094) 25 - 30 May 2014 as TM4U.
BA3AX/3 BD3AEO/3 Yue Tuo Island
2023-05-13 14:32:43
BA3AX, BD3AEO will be active from Yue Tuo Island (IOTA AS-134) 21-24 March 2014 as BA3AX/3 and BD3AEO/3.
VP8ROT Rothera Base Antarctica
2017-01-28 22:08:16
GM0HCQ is currently active from Rothera Base, Adelaide Island (IOTA AN-001), Antarctica as VP8ROT.
FP/W6HGF Miquelon Island
2017-05-14 16:53:55
W6HGF will be active from Miquelon Island 7 - 18 February 2014 as FP/W6HGF.
PJ5W Sint Eustatius Island
2017-04-11 22:56:15
K5WE and N5WR will be active from Sint Eustatius Island in ARRL DX CW Contest 15 - 16 February 2014 as PJ5W.
V6T Woleai Atoll
2016-07-01 15:07:06
JH1NBN will be active from Woleai Atoll (IOTA OC-132) 7 - 15 February 2014 as V6T.