3B9JB Rodrigues Island 2023-05-14 16:34:09 Johnny, SM6JBC will be active from Rodrigues Island 26 November- 2 December 2014 as 3B9JB. Views9393 Comments0 More...
TX5W Raivavae Island Austral Islands 2019-07-20 00:17:56 KK6BT will be active from Raivavae Island (IOTA OC-114), Austral Islands 5 - 11 January 2015 as TX5W. Views13242 Comments1 20% More...
OX3LX Disko Island Greenland 2018-09-25 08:21:26 OZ1DJJ will be active from Disko Island ( IOTA NA-134), Greenland 26 November- 2 December 2014 as OX3LX. Views12211 Comments0 More...
FO/W6TLD FO/JI1JKW FO/JI1WTF Hiva Oa Island Marquesas Islands 2021-12-11 11:23:08 W6TLD, JI1JKW, JI1WTF will be active from Hiva Oa Island, Marquesas Islands (IOTA OC-027) 16-21 November 2014 as FO/W6TLD, FO/JI1JKW, FO/JI1WTF. Views12539 Comments0 More...
A35DX Atata Island Tonga 2017-09-10 09:31:30 Hans, DF2UU will be active from Atata Island (IOTA OC-049), Tonga until 14 November 2014 as A35DX. Views50959 Comments0 More...
T88WX Koror Island Palau 2015-01-09 21:52:16 Hiro, JA1WSX will be active from Koror Island (IOTA OC-009), Palau 26 November- 1 December 2014 as T88WX. Views11073 Comments0 More...
RI1ANZ Progress Station Antarctica 2019-07-28 23:55:18 Nikolai, RW6ACM ex RI1ANP will be active from Progress station, Antarctica starting 22 December 2014 as RI1ANZ. Views13901 Comments0 More...
JW9JKA Bear Island 2016-04-16 20:26:59 Svein, LA9JKA will be active from Bear Island (IOTA EU-027) until April 2015 as JW9JKA. Views17375 Comments7 100% More...
FO4BM/P FO8AA/P Gambier Islands Mangareva Islands 2023-03-13 20:39:20 Philippe, FO4BM will be active from Gambier Islands ( Mangàreva Islands) IOTA OC-063 12-24 November 2014 as FO4BM/P and/or FO8AA/P. Views10228 Comments1 100% More...
F8CRS/6W Senegal 2019-09-05 16:54:56 David, F8CRS currently active from Senegal as F8CRS/6W. Views12015 Comments0 More...
D44KS Boa Vista Island Cabo Verde 2023-05-02 02:07:38 Fran, EA7FTR will be active from Boa Vista (Cosy) Island (IOTA AF-086), Cabo Verde 9 November- 5 December 2014 as D44KS. Views13776 Comments1 100% More...
V73TM Majuro Atoll Marshall Islands 2017-08-25 17:30:48 Tim, NL8F will be active from Majuro Atoll (IOTA OC-029), Marshall Islands 26 November- 3 December 2014 as V73TM. Views11739 Comments0 More...
V5/DK9IP V55V Namibia 2017-06-24 13:24:30 DK9IP will be active from Namibia CQ WW DX CW Contest 29 - 30 November 2014 as V55V. Views9124 Comments0 More...
9N7KT 9N7RZ Nepal 2016-05-10 08:11:31 Ken, JN1THL and Toshi, JA8RUZ will be active from Nepal until 10 November 2014 as 9N7KT and 9N7RZ. Views10004 Comments0 More...
PZ5EME Suriname 2016-06-29 08:50:27 Herrmann, DL2NUD and Wolf DL4WO will be active from Suriname 26 November - 8 December 2014 as PZ5EME. Views9820 Comments1 100% More...