3A/IU2CIQ Monaco 2017-02-06 23:01:00 IU2CIQ, IZ1UJE, IZ1ZHG will be active from Monaco 5 - 7 June 2015 as 3A/IU2CIQ. Views7243 Comments0 More...
DV1UD/P Batan Island Batanes Islands 2016-05-10 07:57:17 Dindo, DV1UD will be active from Batan Island, Batanes Islands (IOTA OC-093) 3 - 6 June 2015 as DV1UD/P. Views13126 Comments1 80% More...
JW/OX5M Svalbard 2015-05-30 16:22:42 OX5M, OX5T, OZ0J will be active from Svalbard 16 - 23 September 2015 as JW/OX5M. Views8002 Comments0 More...
FO/F5SNY Society Islands 2015-05-30 10:46:18 Thierry Senft, F5SNY is currently active from Society (Leeward) Islands IOTA OC-067, French Polynesia as FO/F5SNY. Views7529 Comments0 More...
3A/IZ8EGM Monaco 2015-05-30 09:30:07 Aurelio, IZ8EGM will be active from Monaco 7 - 15 August 2015 as 3A/IZ8EGM. Views7880 Comments2 100% More...
YF1AR/7 Laut Kecil Islands Payongpayongan Island 2016-07-29 00:02:29 Budi, YF1AR will be active from Payongpayongan Island, Marabatua (Moresa) Island, Laut Kecil Islands (IOTA OC-268) 30 May - 2 June 2015 as YF1AR/7. Views8990 Comments0 More...
ZF2DO Cayman Islands 2019-09-13 10:03:28 David Cockrum, N5DO is currently active from Cayman Islands as ZF2DO. Views7903 Comments0 More...
8R8AK Guyana 2017-08-11 11:54:05 Esmond Jones, 8R1AK is currently active from Guyana with special call 8R8AK for the inauguration of 8th President of Guyana. Views13334 Comments0 More...
T2RG Tuvalu 2019-10-01 16:06:38 Bob Girdo, VK2RG will be active from Tuvalu starting end of this week as T2RG. Views12839 Comments0 More...
J20JM Djibouti 2023-05-12 01:22:39 Jean Marc Bourdereau, F5LCI will be active from Djibouti from middle of July to middle of September 2015 as J20JM. Views12000 Comments0 More...
9M2SE Tioman Island 2016-04-28 18:34:45 Piju 9M2PJU, Wak Mid 9M2TPT, Dak Mie 9M2MDX, Rosli 9M2RHQ, Keropok 9W2JDY, Weerut 9W2RUT, Norzam 9W2WWW, Ikmal 9W2EDU, Prof Noh 9W2MNW and Ahmad Ameran (AM) 9W2VVN will be active from Tioman Island (IOTA AS-046) 5 - 7 June 2015 as 9M2SE. Views16854 Comments0 More...
9N7CW Nepal 2015-05-25 10:09:01 Jacky Calvo, ZL3CW is currently active from Nepal as 9N7CW. Views8736 Comments0 More...
VP2MLU Montserrat Island 2015-05-23 11:15:00 Luis Romero, W4LT will be active from Montserrat Island (IOTA NA-103) 8 - 17 July 2015 as VP2MLU. Views7761 Comments0 More...
5C5T Morocco 2019-09-28 16:27:28 EA5BLJ, EA5CP, EA5YU will be active from Morocco 27 - 31 May 2015 as 5C5T. Views8624 Comments0 More...
PJ7/NP4G FS/NP4G Sint Maarten 2016-09-08 08:33:59 Jose Vicens, NP4G will be active from Sint Maarten Island 24 - 29 May 2015 as PJ7/NP4G. Views6918 Comments0 More...